
Hi, I’m Jessica!

Welcome and thank you for being here. This is my safe space to share thoughts, passions, and projects. I hope you find inspiration or helpful information. Follow me on my social platforms for more content!

New Year, New Goals

New Year, New Goals

I’m a planner and a goal maker! I love checking off my to-do lists almost as much as I love making them. That’s just the kind of person I am! I’m also the kind of person that waits for important dates, like New Years, to start big goals. It’s cheesy, but it works for me.

Seeing my goals in writing daily helps me stay on track when I start to wander and wonder why I started. I’ve narrowed it down to five realistic + attainable goals. Too many plans or goals gets overwhelming and causes me to feel disappointed. Only five things to really focus on is manageable for me! Maybe you’ll find some inspiration in my list, or maybe you can help me by keeping me accountable and on track.

Before I get to my list I want to add a warning, a lesson I’ve learned the hard way: God/Karma/Life has it’s own agenda. You can plan your entire life to the hour but there are no guarantees. Shit happens. It’s not a reason to quit or not have goals, it’s the reason to give yourself grace if it doesn’t go as planned.

  1. Blog weekly!

    Starting my blog was one of my biggest accomplishments of 2019. I promise to post more frequently this year. I want to expand my niche into high altitude baking + cooking. Baking is a lifelong passion of mine. My fondest childhood memories are in the kitchen learning to bake with my Grandma. Most of my excitement for 2020 stems from my blog goals!

  2. Finish the kitchen remodel!

    It’s a family effort but in order to share recipes I need a kitchen. Now that we have all of the permits things should start moving more quickly. We’ve been waiting six months for the permits to be approved. I will also share some DIY renovation tips on the blog as we go!

  3. Work out, stretch, or walk every day!

    I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight but I want to tighten up the baby jiggle. I also want to repair the damage caused by Diastasis Recti. Carson is a heavy baby that’s about to start crawling. I want to be able to keep up with his energy level. I’m not going to promise myself a huge workout every day, I’m aiming for attainable goals. Even if it’s a simple walk!

  4. Budget our life better!

    I’m going to create a monthly budget for our family and stick to it. I plan on meal prepping so we waste less food and money at the grocery store. I also plan on putting more money towards our car loan to pay it off sooner. I want to start traveling and showing Carson the world. One big trip every year! In order to do that with one income it takes better budgeting.

  5. Create a daily routine for Carson!

    He’s finally sleeping through the night and the next step for my sanity is starting a daily routine. Carson + I are both the kind of people that function best on a schedule. I plan on incorporating a learning curriculum into his routine as well.

I finished 2019 with an awesome collaboration with Famokids. I actually reached out to them months ago after Carson rolled off the couch. I was struggling to find a place for Carson to play on the plywood floor. The remodel is temporary, however, our flooring plan is in floor heating + wood look tile. Which is actually much harder than our current situation! 

A few weeks ago they sent us a beautiful puzzle piece play mat for Carson. I love that it’s functional and padded for an infant learning to crawl. It’s big enough for all three of us to play together on the floor, too. It’s also super easy to clean and beyond soft. I’m amazed how quickly Carson’s physical abilities have advanced in the few weeks we have been using it. He’s already trying to crawl!

Our play mat is also helping me stick to my goals for the year. Giving us a space for Carson’s routine + my daily workouts. My favorite part is that it looks like a stylish designer rug and not a children’s play mat!

Click the button below to learn more about Famokids! Use code JESSICADEVOY for 15% off + free shipping!

Snowshoe Sundays

Snowshoe Sundays

Carson’s First Christmas

Carson’s First Christmas