
Hi, I’m Jessica!

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Baby Wearing

I love baby wearing! As someone who gets “touched out” on a daily basis, I didn’t think I would miss it. But there’s something very calming about feeling a little heart beat against mine. All three of my kids preferred to be worn rather than riding in a stroller. There are three styles of baby wearing I want to share with you:

Fabric Wrap

My favorite style of carrier for the newborn stage is a wrap! It keeps baby snug with no hard buckles or snaps. I find a wrap is the most supportive of baby’s head & neck. I use this style for hiking or power walking with a newborn. My favorite brand is the Solly Baby Wrap!

Pros: Lightweight & super soft fabric. Very supportive for baby & the wearer. It keeps the baby in one spot even when the wearer is moving around a lot.

Cons: Time consuming to wrap & has to be re-wrapped with each use. Expensive for how short of a time I use it. The extra fabric and how it’s wrapped can create a hot & sticky situation for baby and wearer.

Liam in the Solly Baby Wrap

Liam in the Solly Baby Wrap

Carson in the Solly Baby Wrap

Carson in the Solly Baby Wrap

Mila in the Solly Baby Wrap

Mila in the Solly Baby Wrap

Ring Sling

*This is my first time using a ring sling so I will update this review in a few months.*

I tried using the ring sling when Mila was a few weeks old and found that it wasn’t supportive enough for her wobbly head. I can see myself using it more as Mila gets bigger and I can put her on my hip. It is easier to use while I’m running errands or in a hurry. But it’s not my first choice for hiking or wearing for long periods of time. The brand I have is a hand me down Wild Bird Pattern Ring Sling.

Pros: Easy to put on & doesn’t have to be re-threaded with each use. Less fabric wrapped around the wearer. Can be used with heavier infants & toddlers. Easy to adjust the tightness and position of baby when they are in it.

Cons: Fabric isn’t as soft as the wrap (that could just be my particular sling though) It isn’t as snug or supportive for a tiny newborn. The tips that helped me use it comfortably & correctly came from a friend - not the brand website. I feel like the ring loosens and baby moves down when I’m really moving around.

Mila in the Wild Bird Ring Sling

Mila in the Wild Bird Ring Sling

Soft / Semi Structured Baby Carrier

If I could only recommend one style of carrier, this would be it! Most on the market are rated from the newborn stage through toddlerhood. I feel like this style is the most versatile and supportive. It is also the style I use & recommend for hiking with an infant or young toddler.

The Ergo Baby Omni 360 Cool Air Mesh was the first soft carrier I tried and really fell in love with the style. I used the Ergobaby with Carson starting at 8 weeks old until I physically couldn’t wear him any longer without more structure (~25 lbs) However, you can still use it until the child is 45 lbs!

After my third baby was born a small business reached out asking if I wanted to try their carrier. Before trying the CO Carrier by CO Family Gear, I always recommended the Ergo to new parents. Now I would say the two carriers are tied for my favorite. They are comparable in features & cost. CO Family is a small business and has a more aesthetically pleasing style. The Ergobaby is a large corporation and the carrier is built for more extreme adventures.

Pros: Extremely supportive for baby and the most supportive carrier for the wearer’s back. The fabric is breathable and there’s no extra fabric hanging. The Ergobaby has a built in cover to protect baby’s head from the sun/rain/germs. The CO Carrier has a huge built in pocket for storage. With both brands baby can be worn on your stomach facing you, on the stomach facing outward, on your hip & on your back. They are both worth the investment because you can use it for so long.

Cons: Fabric is not as soft as the wrap or sling. There are buckles & snaps that make it feel less cozy for a newborn. It is not 100% adjustable to fit the wearer or baby.

CO Carrier on the front & Ergobaby on the back

CO Family Gear Carrier

Please please make sure your baby’s legs are in the W/M position while baby wearing. Dangling legs are not good for their developing hips. It is recommended to wait until they are 6 months before wearing them facing outward. It actually creates less back pain to wear them on your back when they get bigger instead of your stomach facing outward.

Fed is Best, Breast is Blessed

Fed is Best, Breast is Blessed

Tips for Flying with a Toddler

Tips for Flying with a Toddler